
Terms and Conditions of Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp Service

請在使用鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp帳號前細閱本條款及細則的全部內容。

鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp帳號為鮮芋仙香港提供及營運的服務。閣下使用本公司旗下品牌之WhatsApp 即表示同意本條款及細則(「本條款」)及其後可能作出之修訂。只有於聯絡人名稱旁附上經WhatsApp認證的綠色證章,才為「鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK」之官方帳號。

所有對話內容(包括但不限於文字、圖像、聲音、視像)會被傳送到及儲存於本公司及獲授權的第三方,包括在海外處理。在提交資料前,請先參閱本公司的私隱政策。如你使用本服務及提供個人資料予本公司,即表示你接受並同意受該等條款及WhatsApp 隱私政策及服務條款約束。



1.1      本條款中使用的特定詞語具下列的意思:



「本公司」或「我們」或「我們的」指Next Step Gourmet Group或Next Step Catering Management Limited或鮮芋仙 (One Fresh Limited),以鮮芋仙之名義於香港特別行政區內營業。

鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp或「本服務」指通過WhatsApp平台讓閣下與本公司溝通(包括但不限於透過文字、圖像、聲音、視像)的虛擬服務及鮮芋仙香港WhatsApp訂閱服務及/或顧客咨詢服務。

鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp顧客咨詢服務指處理有關客戶咨詢及投訴服務。

鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp訂閱服務指根據客戶訂閱喜愛,不定時傳送産品優惠及活動資訊之電子訊息服務。

「WhatsApp」 及「WhatsApp Messenger」 指由WhatsApp Inc. 提供並由Meta Platforms, Inc.持有的即時通訊軟件。



2.1       本公司可不時全權酌情修改本條款,而無須對閣下承擔責任。本公司會於WhatsApp上傳任何經修改後的本條款。如閣下於本條款作出修訂後,仍繼續使用本服務,即視為閣下已接受有關修訂並同意受經修訂的本條款約束。如閣下不接受有關修訂,應停止使用本服務。


3.1       作為閣下同意遵守本條款的對價,本公司授予閣下不可轉讓、非專有、可撤銷的許可使用本服務,僅供閣下在香港境內於閣下的流動裝置上使用本服務。本服務僅供閣下作個人使用。


4.1       閣下明白並同意,就本服務及其內容(包括與其有關的所有商標、服務商標、商號及標誌,任何文稿、圖像、連結及音響,及與第三方連結可獲得的內容)的所有權利、所有權、權益及知識產權,均由本公司或其第三方許可人獨享。閣下對本服務或其內容並無權利、所有權或權益,除上述有限許可外亦無權作出使用。閣下不得為任何目的使用本公司或其第三方許可人的任何商標、服務商標、商號或標誌,或任何其他知識產權。本條款中的條文均不得被詮釋為向閣下授予有關該等商標、服務商標、商號、標誌或知識產權的任何權利。


5.1       閣下可以個人電話號碼登記使用本服務。閣下之稱謂、姓名、電話號碼只會被本公司保存及使用於本服務及其改善和分析之用途。

5.2       鮮芋仙香港WhatsApp不會於對話時透露或要求閣下透露任何敏感個人資料、戶口資料、密碼及其他憑證。請避免透露任何個人資料、戶口資料、密碼及其他憑證。本公司亦提醒閣下切勿外傳及請保密你的裝置、個人資料、戶口資料、密碼及其他憑證。

5.3       使用本服務須受本公司私隱政策當中所列出之條款規範。如你使用本服務及提供個人資料予本公司,即表示你接受並同意受該等條款約束。

5.4       閣下使用本服務須受WhatsApp 訂定的私隱政策及服務條款約束(請參考https://www.whatsapp.com/legal/)。閣下有責任於使用本服務前自行了解及接受WhatsApp 的條款及細則。對於WhatsApp不時訂定的適用條款和政策,本公司沒有義務另行通知閣下,閣下應自行了解及遵守該等條款和政策。就WhatsApp 的任何行為或疏忽(包括WhatsApp 如何收集、使用、轉移或處理閣下的個人資料或閣下內容),本公司概不負責。

5.5       閣下提供的所有資料和對話内容(包括但不限於文字、圖像、聲音、視像)將會被分析,用作提升本服務準確度及質素,以及提供購物服務之用。該等對話内容及資料將會被本公司及服務供應商保存一段與處理該些資料之目的相關的時間,時間之長短會遵從適用的法律要求。

5.6       由閣下分享的網路定位數據只會用於解答詢問。網路定位數據將會被視作對話内容並保存一段與處理該些資料之目的相關的時間,時間之長短會遵從適用的法律要求。



6.1       閣下須為違反本條款項下閣下的責任及為閣下的行動或遺漏自行負責,就該等事項本公司對閣下或任何其他人士均無責任;

6.2       閣下只會使用 鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp或本服務及其內容作本條款明確允許的用途;

6.3       閣下不會拆解、解構或還原鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp或本服務;

6.4       閣下不會進行任何活動干擾或中斷鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp或本服務,或提供鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp的服務器及網絡;

6.5       閣下不會複製、修改、再造、下載、重新發布、出售、分發或轉售鮮芋仙香港WhatsApp、本服務或其內容(全部或部分),或從而製作衍生作品;

6.6       閣下不會安裝、上載或傳送(或允許安裝、上載或傳輸)任何能夠中斷、癱瘓、損壞、關閉、監控或未經授權取用 鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp、本服務、或其他電訊或電腦系統或裝置或透過上述各項傳送或儲存的任何資料的任何病毒或指示、代碼、技術或裝置;

6.7       閣下不會採取任何行動或允許任何其他人士採取任何行動,讓閣下或任何其他人士可未經授權取用、監控、干預或使用本公司的任何電腦系統或網絡,或用以提供鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp的電腦系統或網絡;

6.8       閣下不會以任何非法,或違反任何適用法律,或促進非法活動的方式使用鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp、本服務或其內容;

6.9       閣下不會違反或侵犯任何其他人士的權利;

6.10     閣下不會以任何方式使用鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp、本服務或其內容發送、通訊或上載任何材料或內容,或作出任何行為或活動,而該等材料、內容、行為或活動的性質屬騷擾、破壞、侮辱、攻擊、威脅、不雅、誹謗、淫穢或恐嚇,亦不會發送非應邀的通訊、促銷、廣告或垃圾信息;及

6.11     閣下不會使用鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp、本服務或其內容冒充他人,或用其他方式就與其他人士或實體的聯繫作出失實表述意圖誤導、混淆或欺騙他人。

鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp服務

7.1       鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp顧客咨詢服務辦公時間為星期一至五早上9時半至晚上6時 (公眾假期除外)。 

7.2      閣下向本公司傳送訊息後本公司會盡快回覆,但繁忙時間回覆或會延遲。

7.3      本公司有權不時決定或規定鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp服務的服務範圍及功能,本公司亦可能隨時取消、撤回、暫緩、更改、增加或減少鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp服務而無須給予通知或原因。

7.4      為使用鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp,閣下應:

  1. a) 持有WhatsApp 帳戶;及
  2. b) 依本公司指示登記鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp。

7.5      任何在本服務下向閣下或其他人士所傳送的電子訊息資料或對話不應被理解為任何產品或服務的要約或招攬。

7.6      不接受視像通話及群組視像通話。


8.1        鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp及其內容可能包含第三方材料。閣下明白並同意本公司無須對第三方材料負責, 亦無責任對第三方材料進行積極監控或施加控制。本公司未有就任何第三方材料作出認可、核實或任何保證或表述。閣下須自行承擔使用或依賴第三方材料的風險。

8.2        鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp可能向瀏覽本公司以外人士提供及/或刊發的第三方材料:包括產品資訊及市場推廣資訊(合稱「第三方資訊」),亦可能提供以任何形式、媒體或途徑的第三方資訊編輯而成的報告。第三方資訊可能於鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp提供或透過鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp中的連結從第三方網頁或資源(「第三方網頁」) 存取。第三方資訊提供的,或透過資訊中的連結提供的,或第三方網頁提供的內容、準確性、完整性、適時性或發表的意見或觀點,並未經由本公司調查、核實、監察或認可。本公司明確聲明不會對鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp中所提供或任何與鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp連結的第三方網頁的內容、其可供使用情況或第三方資訊的錯誤或遺漏承擔任何責任。

8.3       閣下與第三方網頁作任何聯線或離線瀏覽或進行交易前,須自行負責一切所需的諮詢或調查。閣下明白及接受,閣下透過或於鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp進行的所有活動,其風險概由閣下承擔。本公司並不對任何閣下可能透過第三方網頁提供或被要求提供予任何人士的資料的保安作出保證。閣下並被視為已不可撤回地放棄因透過鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp瀏覽或接觸任何第三方網頁或與之有關而產生或蒙受的任何損失、損害或開支而對本公司的一切索償

8.4        鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp可能會包含連結至其他網站(「公司網站及網店」),以方便閣下。公司網站及網店提供的產品及服務可能只限向身處或居於指定的司法管轄地區的人士提供。此外,公司網站及網店的內容可能在某些司法管轄地區被禁止或受到限制而不可發佈,故此並無意向身處或居於該等地區的人士提供。 鮮芋仙香港提供的公司網站及網店的使用條款可能互有差異,閣下應先仔細查閱適用的使用條款,然後才使用或瀏覽有關的公司網站及網店。


9.1       除第 9.2 段列明的條款外,閣下因下列情況或與之有關而可能招致或蒙受的任何種類的損失、損害或開支,本公司無須向閣下負責:

  1. a) 閣下使用或未能使用鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp、本服務登載的任何內容或第三方資訊;
  2. b) 本服務因任何原因發生的任何故障、中斷或延遲(包括任何因電腦、電子系統或設備的故障或錯誤);
  3. c) 閣下向本公司傳送或本公司向訊息閣下發出之訊息的任何延誤、丟失、轉向、被攔截、改動或訛誤;
  4. d) 因或有關閣下使用本服務而引致閣下的數據、軟件、流動設備或其他設備有任何損失或損害;
  5. e) 任何WhatsApp故障或錯誤,或WhatsApp Inc. 的行為或遺漏。

9.2       若經證實於條款 9.1 列明之事件是由(a) 本公司(b) 本公司的代理(c) 本公司或其代理的職員或員工的疏忽或故意失責所引致,就該疏忽或故意失責而使閣下蒙受的任何直接及合理可預見之損失及損害,本公司會向閣下負責。

9.3       本公司向閣下提供的本服務出現任何中斷、延遲或故障,不論屬全面或局部、直接或間接,如屬於本公司或本公司的代理的合理控制以外的原因或情況造成,則本公司無須對閣下因而招致或蒙受的任何種類的任何損失、成本或損害負責。


10.1     閣下同意本服務僅供閣下個人使用,並須採取一切合理的預防措施,防止任何未經授權或帶欺詐意圖而取用閣下的WhatsApp帳戶或本服務提供閣下的訊息。

10.2     閣下須自行負責確保閣下的流動設備有足夠保護及製作資料及/或儀器的備份,包括採取合理及適當的預防措施。


11.1     鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp及本服務僅提供有關鮮芋仙香港產品及服務的一般資料。

11.2     而其他一般查詢,將由鮮芋仙香港客戶服務部處理。

11.3     鮮芋仙香港主要旨在提供予任何人士於香港境內使用。Next Step Gourmet Group祗將鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp提及的產品及服務提供予當時在法律上合法容許的地區。本公司不擬將此等資料提供予置身或居住於該等在法律上限制本公司發放此等資料之地區的人士使用。閣下必須自行了解及遵守有關限制。

11.4     本公司可酌情提供或拒絕提供鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp內提述的任何資料、產品或服務予任何人士。本公司可酌情決定隨時撤回或修改鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp內提述的任何資料、產品或服務,而無須事先通知。

11.5     閣下同意自行承擔閣下使用鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp、本服務及鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp內容的風險,而鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp、本服務及鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp內容均是按「現況」及「現有」的基礎而提供。

11.6     在適用法律允許的最大範圍內,鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp、本服務、鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp內容或提供的第三方材料,作出任何陳述及保證(不論任何性質或種類,亦不論是明示或默示),包括但不限於關於質量及對特定用途的適用性的任何默示陳述及保證。

11.7     本公司對於下述各項均不會作出任何陳述或保證:鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp、本服務、內容或第三方材料的準確性、質量、完整性、及時性、充分性、安全性、可靠性或有效性;閣下對鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp、本服務、內容或第三方材料的使用將不會中斷,並將會及時、安全、不帶任何錯誤或缺陷,亦不能夠中斷、癱瘓、損壞、關閉、監控或未經授權取用任何電訊或電腦系統或設備或透過上述電腦系統或設備傳送或儲存的任何資料的病毒、指示、代碼、技術或裝置;及鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp、本服務、內容或第三方材料的運作或功能方面的缺陷將會被改正。

11.8      鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp官方帳戶於WhatsApp開立,本公司無法就WhatsApp 的功能、品質、安全性或適用性做出任何類型的陳述、保證、擔保或約定。本公司無法擔保對鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp的瀏覽不會發生中斷、延遲或故障,或者WhatsApp 平台、用戶端等的問題不會導致閣下個人資訊洩露、交易失敗、資料錯誤等事故。如由於本公司合理務控制範圍以外的因素,包括任何設備故障或失靈、WhatsApp 或任何第三方的行為或疏忽、電力中斷或設備、安裝或設施不足,而導致閣下無法瀏覽 鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp所載之內容,或導致閣下蒙受任何種類的損失、損害或開支,本公司概不負責。


12.1     本公司有權隨時酌情決定暫停或終止閣下取用及使用鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp,而無須給予通知或原因。

12.2     如有以下情形,本公司有權立即終止閣下瀏覽及使用鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp及其所載之內容的許可而無須給予閣下通知或原因:


本公司得悉或合理懷疑閣下進行或有意進行欺詐行為或任何非法或不當行為; 或

閣下因任何原因無權或不符合資格使用鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp;或

WhatsApp因任何原因撤銷鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp官方帳號或閣下的帳號; 或

WhatsApp Inc.停止WhatsApp服務。

12.3     閣下可藉停止使用鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp而隨時終止瀏覽及使用本服務及內容。閣下可藉更改訂閱選項而終止訂閱鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp訂閱服務。


13.1     如本條款中任何條文屬於或變成不合法、無效或不能強制執行,其他條文保持全面有效,不受該等不合法性、無效性或不能強制執行性影響。


14.1     本條款包含閣下與本公司就相關事宜的整體協議。


15.1     本公司對本條款任何條文的放棄須以書面形式作出,並只限於放棄本公司書面通知內明確規定的任何該等條文。本公司未有或延遲行使任何權利、權力或採取補救方法的權利,並不會構成本公司放棄行使該等權利、權力或採取補救方法的權利。而本公司行使任何一項或部分的權利、權力或採取補救方法的權利,亦不會排除本公司行使何其他或進一步地行使權利、權力或採取補救方法的權利。本條款下的任何權利、權力或採取補救方法的權利應被視為除法律授予本公司外,本公司可享有的累積及額外的權利、權力或採取補救方法的權利。


16.1     在未經本公司事先書面同意的情況下,閣下不得轉讓本條款下的任何權利或責任。本公司可無須閣下同意轉讓本公司的權利或責任予任何其他人士。


17.1     除閣下及本公司以外,並無其他人士有權按《合約(第三者權利)條例》強制執行本條款的任何條文,或享有本條款的任何條文下的利益。


18.1     若鮮芋仙香港Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp和Next Step Gourmet Group官方網站之間所提供的資訊有任何抵觸或歧義,應以Next Step Gourmet Group官方網站為準。


19.1     本條款受香港法律管轄,並按此詮釋。閣下接受香港法院的非專屬司法管轄權管轄。本條款可在香港的法院强制執行。


20.1     本條款的中文版本僅供参考之用。若英文版本和中文版本之間有任何抵觸,應以英文版本為準。

Please read all of these Terms and Conditions carefully before using Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp.

Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp is a service provided and operated by Meet Fresh Hong Kong. By using Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp, you agree to these terms and conditions (the “Terms”) and as they may be amended thereafter. Only the account with a green badge next to the WhatsApp contact’s name is the official account of Meet Fresh HK verified by WhatsApp.

All conversations (including but not limited to text, image, voice, video) are transmitted to and stored in Meet Fresh HK and its authorised third parties, including data processors overseas.  Please read our company’s Privacy Policy before submitting any information.  By using this Service and providing personal data to Meet Fresh HK, you accept and agree to be bound by these Terms, our Privacy Policy and the WhatsApp Privacy Policy and Terms of Service constraint.

All offers and services mentioned in this Service are subject to the relevant terms and conditions, and our company reserves the right to change without prior notice.


1.1 Certain terms used in these Terms have the following meanings:

“Hong Kong” means the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China.

“Third Party Materials” means software, text, data, images, photos, graphics, videos, marks, logos, materials or information (those available via links to third party websites) provided, uploaded, transmitted, submitted, or posted by or sourced from third parties (including merchants or service providers).

“The Company” or “we” or “our” means Next Step Gourmet Group or Next Step Catering Management Limited or Meet Fresh Hong Kong (One Fresh Limited), trading as Meet Fresh Hong Kong.

“Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp” or “the Service” means the virtual service that enables you to communicate (including but not limited to via text, image, voice, video) with us through the WhatsApp platform and the Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp Subscription Service and/or the Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp Customer Service.

“Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp Customer Service” means an electronic message service through which Meet Fresh Hong Kong provides services to customers regarding their enquires or complains.

“Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp Subscription Service” means an electronic message service through which Meet Fresh Hong Kong transmits product offers and event information from time to time according to customer subscription preferences.

“WhatsApp” and “WhatsApp Messenger” means instant messaging software provided by WhatsApp Inc. and owned by Meta Platforms, Inc.

“You” or “your” is reference to the person to whom the Company provides services or delivers goods.


Amendment of these Terms

2.1   The Company may, in its sole and absolute discretion, amend these Terms from time to time without liability to you. The Company will upload any revised terms of these Terms on WhatsApp. If you continue to use the Service after these Terms have been revised, you will be deemed to have accepted the revisions and agree to be bound by the revised Terms. If you do not accept the amendments, you should stop using the Service.

Licensed Rights

3.1   In consideration for your agreement to abide by these Terms, the Company grants you a non-transferable, non-exclusive, revocable license to use the Service solely for your use of the Service on your mobile device within Hong Kong. This Service is for your personal use only.

The Company’s Intellectual Property Rights

4.1   You acknowledge and agree that all rights in the Service and its content (including all trademarks, service marks, trade names and logos used in relation to them, any text, images, links and sounds, and content available through links to third parties), are owned exclusively by the Company or its third-party licensors. You have no rights, title or interest in the Service or its content, and have no right to use it, save for the limited license granted under Licensed Rights. You shall not use any such trademark, service mark, trade name or logo of the Company or its third party licensors, or any other intellectual property rights of the Company for any purpose. Nothing in these Terms shall be construed as granting you any rights to such trademarks, service marks, trade names, logos or intellectual property rights.


5.1  You can register to use this Service with your personal phone number. Your salutation, name, phone number will only be stored and used by the Company to provide, improve and analyse the Service.

5.2   Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp will not disclose or ask you to disclose any sensitive personal data, account information, passwords and other credentials during the conversation. Please refrain from revealing any sensitive personal data, account information, passwords and other credentials. The Company also reminds you not to spread such information and keep such information confidential and your device secure.

5.3   Use of this Service is subject to the terms set out in the Company’s Privacy Policy. By using this Service and providing personal data to Meet Fresh Hong Kong, you accept and agree to be bound by these terms.

5.4   Your use of this Service is subject to WhatsApp’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Service ( please refer to https://www.whatsapp.com/legal/ ). It is your responsibility to review and accept WhatsApp’s terms and policies before using the Service. The Company is not obliged to notify you the applicable terms and policies prescribed by WhatsApp from time to time. You are required to ascertain and observe those terms and policies. The Company is not responsible for any acts or omissions of WhatsApp, including how WhatsApp collects, uses, transfers or handles your personal data or obtains your content.

5.5   All information and conversations (including but not limited to all texts, images, voices, videos) you provide will be analysed to improve the accuracy and quality of this Service and to provide shopping services. Such conversations and information will be retained by the Company and service providers for as long as required by applicable law.

5.6  The network location data shared by you will only be used to answer inquiries. Internet location data will be treated as conversational content and retained for as long as required by applicable law.

Your conduct

You agree that:

6.1   You shall be solely responsible for any breach of your obligations under these Terms and for your actions or omissions, and the Company shall not be liable to you or any other person in respect of such matters;

6.2   You shall only use the Service and its content for the purposes expressly permitted by these Terms;

6.3   You shall not disassemble, decompile or restore the Service;

6.4   You shall not engage in any activity that interferes with or disrupts the Service, or the servers and networks through which the Service is provided; 

6.5   You shall not copy, modify, reproduce, download, republish, sell, distribute, create derivative works from or resell the Service or its content (in whole or in part);

6.6   You shall not install, upload or transmit (or allow the installation, uploading or transmission of) any viruses or instructions, codes, techniques or devices capable of disrupting, disabling, damaging, shutting down, monitoring or gaining unauthorised access to the Service, or other telecommunications or computer systems or devices, or any data transmitted through or stored on them;

6.7   You shall not take any action or allow any other person to take any action that would enable you, or any other person, to gain unauthorised access to, monitor or tamper with or use any computer systems or networks of the Company or through which the Service is provided;

6.8   You shall not use the Service or its content in any way that is unlawful or breaches any applicable laws, or promotes illegal activities;

6.9    You shall not contravene or infringe the rights of any other person;

6.10   You shall not use the Service or its content in any way to send, communicate or upload any materials or contents, or engage in any behavior or activities that are harassing, disruptive, offensive, abusive, threatening, indecent, defamatory, obscene or menacing, or to send unsolicited communications, promotions, advertisements or spam messages;  and

6.11   You shall not use the Service or its content to impersonate another person or otherwise misrepresent an affiliation with another person or entity in a manner that does or is intended to mislead, confuse or deceive others.

Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp Service

7.1   The business hours of Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp Customer Service are Monday-Friday 9:30am-6pm only (except public holidays).

7.2   The Company will reply as soon as possible upon receiving your messages, yet delayed response may be expected during peak periods.

7.3   The Company has the right to determine or specify the service scope and functions of the Service from time to time, and the Company may cancel, withdraw, suspend, vary, expand or reduce the Service at any time without giving notice or reason.

7.4    To use the Service, you should:

  1. a)      maintain a valid WhatsApp account; and
  2. b)      register for the Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp by completing the steps specified by the Company.

7.5    Any information or communication contained in electronic message received by you or any other persons under the Service should not be regarded as an offer or solicitation to subscribe to any products or services.

7.6    No video call and group video call are allowed.

Third Party Materials

8.1    Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp and its content may contain Third Party Materials.  You acknowledge and agree that the Company has no responsibility or liability in relation to the Third Party Materials, and has no obligation to actively monitor or exercise any control over them. The Company does not endorse, verify or make any warranties or representations in relation to any Third Party Materials. You use or rely on the Third Party Materials at your own risk.

8.2   Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp may offer access to Third Party Materials which include product information and marketing materials prepared and/or issued by persons other than the Company (together, “Third Party Information”), and may provide reports compiled from such Third Party Information in any form, medium or means. These Third Party Information may be provided in Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp or accessible via hyperlinks sent through Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp to third party websites or resources (“Third Party Websites”). The contents, accuracy, completeness, timeliness, opinions or views expressed, and other links provided via the Third Party Information or at these Third Party Websites are not investigated, verified, monitored or endorsed by the Company. The Company expressly disclaims any responsibility for the contents, their availability or errors or omissions of Third Party Information found on Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp or any of the Third Party Websites that link to or from Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp.

8.3     You are solely responsible for making all enquiries or investigation before proceeding with any online or offline access or transaction through the Third Party Websites. You understand and accept that all activities conducted by you via or in Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp are at your own risk.  The Company does not warrant the security of any information that you may forward or provide to any person via the Third Party Websites. You irrevocably waive any claim against the Company for any loss, damage or expenses which you may incur or suffer arising from or in connection with any access to or interaction with any of the Third Party Websites via Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp.

8.4     Hyperlinks to other Meet Fresh HK websites may be included in the Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp for your convenience. The products and services offered on the Company Websites and e-shop may be limited to persons located or residing in a specified jurisdiction.  In addition, the contents on the Company Websites and e-shop may not be intended for persons located or residing in any jurisdiction that prohibits or restricts the distribution of such contents. The terms and conditions governing the use of the Company Websites and e-shop offered by Meet Fresh Hong Kong may differ. You should carefully read the terms and conditions applicable to each of the Company Websites and e-shop before using or browsing them.

Limitation of Liability

9.1   Except as set out in Clause 9.2, the Company shall not be liable to you for any loss, damage or expense of any kind which you may incur or suffer arising from or in connection with:

  1. a)    Your use or inability to use the Service, its content or any Third Party Materials provided via Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp; 
  2. b)    any failure, interruption or delay in providing the Service for any reason (including as a result of failure or error of any computer or electronic system or equipment);
  3. c)    any delay, loss, diversion, interception, alteration or corruption of any message sent to you or received from the Company;
  4. d)    any loss or damage to your data, software, mobile device or other equipment arising from or in connection with your use of the Service;
  5. e)    any fault or error from using WhatsApp, or act or omission of WhatsApp Inc.

9.2     If it is proved that the events in Clause 9.1 were caused by the negligence or willful default of (a) the Company, (b) the Company’s agents, or (c) the officers or employees of the Company or its agents, then the Company will be liable for any loss and damage you incur or suffer that is direct and reasonably foreseeable arising directly and solely from such negligence or willful default.

9.3     The Company is not liable for any loss, cost or damage or any kind incurred or suffered by you as a result of any interruption, delay or failure, whether total or partial, direct or indirect in providing the Service to you to the extent that it is attributable to any cause or circumstance that is beyond the reasonable control of the Company or its agents.


10.1   You agree that the Service is for your sole and exclusive use and you must take all reasonable precautions to prevent any unauthorized or fraudulent access to your WhatsApp account or any electronic message sent to you under the Service.

10.2   You are solely responsible for ensuring adequate protection and back up of data and/or equipment for your mobile device, including taking reasonable and appropriate precautions.

General Disclaimers

11.1   Only general information of Meet Fresh Hong Kong products and services will be provided via the Service. 

11.2   For the general enquires and the Service, they are handled by Meet Fresh Hong Kong customer services centre.

11.3   Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp is primarily intended for those who access it from within Hong Kong.  Products and services referred to in the Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp are offered only in jurisdictions where and when they may be lawfully offered by Meet Fresh Hong Kong. The Service and its content are not intended for use by persons located in or resident in jurisdictions which restrict the distribution of the content by the Company. You are required to inform yourself about and observe any relevant restrictions.

11.4    The Company has discretion whether or not to provide any information, products or services described in Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp to any person. Any information, products or services described in Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp may be withdrawn or amended at any time without advance notice at the discretion of the Company.

11.5    You agree that your use of the Service and its content is at your sole risk and that the Service and its content are provided on “as is” and “as available” basis.

11.6    To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, the Company expressly disclaims all representations and warranties of any nature or kind, whether express or implied, in relation to the Service and its content, or Third Party Materials provided in Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp, including but not limited to any implied representations and warranties of quality or fitness for a particular purpose.

11.7   The Company makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy, quality, completeness, timeliness, adequacy, security, reliability or validity of the Service, its content or Third Party Materials, and that your use of the Service, its content or Third Party Materials will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, free of any error or defects, or free of any viruses, instructions, codes, techniques or devices capable of disrupting, disabling, damaging, shutting down, monitoring or gaining unauthorised access to any telecommunications or computer systems devices, or any data transmitted through or stored on them, or that defects in the operation or functionality of the Service, its content or Third Party Materials will be corrected.

11.8    The Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp official account is opened at WhatsApp. The Company cannot make any representation, guarantee, warranty or agreement of any kind as to the function, quality, security or applicability of WhatsApp. The Company cannot warrant that there will be no leakage of any personal data, failure of transaction or information error caused by WhatsApp (such as any problems with its user platform).  The Company does not assume any liability or responsibility for any failure to browse the contents contained in Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp or any loss, damage or expenses of any kind which you may incur or suffer due to any factors beyond our reasonable control, including any equipment failure or malfunction, any act or omission of WhatsApp or any third parties, electricity suspension or lack of equipment, installation or facilities.


12.1    The Company has the right to suspend or terminate all or any part of Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp at any time at its sole discretion without notice or without giving reason.

12.2    The Company has the right to terminate your license to use Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp and its content immediately without giving you notice or reason if:

you have seriously or persistently breached any of the terms of these Terms; or

the Company knows or reasonably suspects that you have committed or are about to commit fraud or any other illegal or improper act; or

you are not eligible or entitled to use Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp for any reason; or

if Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp official account or your account is withdrawn by WhatsApp for any reason; or

if termination of WhatsApp services by WhatsApp Inc.

12.3    You may terminate using the Service and its content at any time by stop using Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp. You may unsubscribe to the Meet Fresh HK WhatsApp Subscription Service by managing your subscription preferences.


13.1    If any provision of these Terms is or becomes illegal, invalid or unenforceable, such illegality, invalidity or unenforceability does not affect any other provisions which remains in full force, validity and effect.

Entire Agreement

14.1    These Terms contain the entire agreement between you and the Company in respect of its subject matter.

Waivers and Remedies

15.1     A waiver by the Company of any provision of these Terms will be effective only if given by the Company in writing and any such provision is waived only to the extent that is expressly stated in the Company’s written notice. No failure or delay by us in exercising any right, power or remedy will operate as a waiver of that right, power or remedy. Nor will any single or partial exercise preclude any other or further exercise of a right, power or remedy. Any right, power or remedy under these Terms is intended to be cumulative and in addition to any other right, power or remedy the Company has in law.


16.1    You may not transfer any of your rights or obligations under these Terms without the prior written consent of the Company. The Company may transfer its rights or obligations to any other person without your consent.

Third Party Rights

17.1   No person other than you and the Company will have any right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance to enforce or enjoy the benefit of any of the provisions of these Terms.


18.1   If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the information provided by Meet Fresh HK Whatsapp and Next Step Gourmet Group official website, the information provided in Next Step Gourmet Group official website shall prevail.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

19.1   These Terms are governed by and will be construed according to Hong Kong laws. You can submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong courts. These Terms may be enforced in the courts of Hong Kong.

Governing Version

20.1   The English version of these Terms prevails to the extent of any inconsistency between the English and the Chinese versions. Any Chinese versions of these Terms is for reference only.